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RV Shop

An Update!

Posted on: March 22nd, 2022 by Don's Trailer Service

Howdy folks!

We are looking forward to another busy season!  We hear that the RV industry isn’t slowing down anytime soon- and we believe it.  Our phone has been ringing and we’ve been seeing more and more of you in the store.

Speaking of the store – a bunch of our inventory for the season has arrived!  While certain items are still on the way or back ordered (boo!), our shelves are full.  Come on it and take a look for yourself.

As for masks, provincial and regional mandates and all the rest of it… Here in the store we are going to follow this:  If you come in to the store wearing your mask we will follow suit.  If we get to see your whole face, our staff will make the decision for themselves whether or not they want to wear their mask.

We appreciate you and look forward to seeing you soon!
